Rongxia family love infinite help rescue employees

Difficult to one party, P Plus support is the beautiful tradition of the Chinese nation. Difficult for one person, the whole family love, is Rong Si family has always been the simple culture. Recently, Xiao Zhang, who was in charge of warehouse management in the production department of the company, was seriously ill because of her daughter. At the time of the hospital's rescue, Rongxia's family members once again spontaneously organized a caring activity, regardless of size, and people came out with their own intentions Fund 13,688 yuan fund-raising. At the beginning of this week, Chung always used the love of everyone to give a small-site grant. On Monday, all management members gathered in the lobby of Rongxia Business School to receive payments (left to right: Ji Zong, Zhong Zong and Zhang Zhang) Zhang made a speech and expressed his appreciation and thanks to his family

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