Ao Zhuo home service natural fiber fashion men and women's favorite

Ozodam Modal underwear combines the luxurious texture of natural fibers with the practicality of synthetic fibers. With a soft surface, shiny silk, hemp smooth, and water absorption, breathability are better than cotton underwear, at the same time has a good shape and size of the stability, so that fabrics have natural wrinkle resistance and non-iron, not Cotton underwear easy to fade and the shortcomings of yellow, but the color bright and full, wash the more bright, is the favorite fashion men and women.


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Austrian Zhuo home service fabric delicate texture, soft lint, can not afford the ball. Do not fade. Excellent water absorption, no irritation to the skin, no allergies. Beautiful appearance, rich colors, comfortable to wear a good stain, is the rise of foreign cotton bathrobe alternative products.

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